Importance Of Love


The Importance Of Developing Your Capacity To Love

Today I want to invite you to develop your capacity to love. Love is the most precious emotion, improving your ability to feel it will offer you a fuller life.

The need for connection

The human being needs love and connection with other human beings. It is intrinsic to our species. In fact, the human being without love, without affective ties can even die, as was discovered during the Second World War in what was called hospital marasmus . Babies who were fed and groomed but did not have a primary bond were allowed to die.

The truth is that we humans want love first and foremost and everything we do probably simply seeks to be loved, although sometimes we make those attempts with tremendous clumsiness.

Love and feel loved

Love is an emotion, therefore it is a vibration in your body. Therefore, only by loving can you feel love. Understanding this, which seems so obvious, changes your life.

We cannot feel the love of others. When others feel love towards us, the vibration in their body is felt by them. We do not receive that vibration.

Do the test. Think right now of someone you love who is not in front of you (your husband, your children, your mother, a good friend). Close your eyes and think about what you love them, feel that vibration in you. They will not feel loved at that time. They will have no idea that you are feeling love towards them.

When we feel loved, it is because we interpret the behaviors of the other in a way that makes us feel worthy, worthy, appreciated, valid and loved. And then we notice the vibration in our body. But we vibrate / feel in relation to our thoughts, not those of the other person.

That's why sometimes someone may tell you that they love you and you may not believe it. Or someone may love you and you may not feel loved.

Your ability to feel loved will have a lot to do with your thoughts about yourself at the time. For example, have I ever paid for my frustration with my children and then I feel terrible. I feel unworthy as a mother. The children have no resentment and when I ask for their forgiveness they tell me “It's okay mom, we love you. You are the best mom in the world ”.

And I don't believe it. Because I don't think I deserve it, because I'm not loving myself. I have to forgive myself first, love myself accepting my human imperfections in order to receive that love.

Develop your ability to love

The capacity to love is, therefore, a skill and as such it can be developed. And I encourage you to do it, because it feels great.Love is always a choice at your disposal. But you have to practice it because we are not used to it. In a fight with your husband, you can decide to love him, despite what happened.Many times we choose not to love. As if to punish the other. But the reality is that we are the ones who lose love. This concept seems amazing to me and I want to insist on it.We protect ourselves from love because we believe that it makes us weak, that it can hurt us if we dare to love. But I have learned that love is actually powerful and makes you stronger, never weaker. I have learned that only the strong are open to being vulnerable.Love feels good. Of all human emotions, if we have to choose one, I think that all of us would choose love first.Not only does it feel great, there are studies that show the health benefits of loving. To take just one example, there is a beautiful study by a French Buddhist monk that highlights the benefits of compassionate love:

“ Matthieu Ricard underwent an exhaustive study through brain scans under a special state of meditation in which a state of pure love and compassion is generated and not focused on anything or anyone in particular. The results showed an unprecedented increase in the activity of the left of the brain, related to positive emotions, while the activity in the area of ​​the right lobe related to  depression decreased, as if compassion were a good antidote to depression And the activity of the amygdala, related to fear and anger, also decreased.

When you choose not to love, what emotion do you choose instead?

And it is that when you decide another answer in a situation other than love, what is it?

Well, they are anger,disappointment, resentment, resentment, apathy, hatred. Well, such attractive emotions ... Don't you see? The loss is yours.Those emotions actually weaken us. Because we are the ones who feel them, not the other.This is critical. You are the one who feels the hatred. The vibration runs through your body. Not the body of the other. Anger raises your heart rate, puts pressure on your chest. The damage you inflict on yourself.Remember also, the more you choose to love, the more you feel love in yourself and the more you can love yourself. You cannot love yourself by hating the outside. We are somehow part of a system in which there has to be a balance.

Unconditional Love Vs. Conditioned Love

My idea for today is simply to invite you to love everything possible. No more. Loving instead of hating. Loving instead of criticizing. Just try it.And I want to introduce you to a more advanced concept, unconditional love, which I will develop in detail later, but I want you to consider it, because it is not an easy concept to accept the first time, and yet it is the key to emotional freedom.Unconditional love is loving the other simply for the fact of existing. Love him as he is. As mothers we know him, we love our baby like that. They did nothing to win our love and our love is not conditionedIt is a love that is not subject to conditions. Because he loves the pure essence of being loved.Think who loves you like this. My parents love me unconditionally. My worth to them is unquestionable. Under that love people flourish to become their best version. Loving your children like this is natural, easy. And it feels amazing.Why not expand it?Starting with your partner. Your marriage changes when you choose to love your husband unconditionally.

Choose love

I understand that it is not an easy concept. I opened the door slightly for him one day and little by little it expanded. I am still far, I admit, from being able to love every human being for a human being, but today there is much more love in me than there was a few years ago, and better still, less anger, less resentment and hostility.And that nobody takes it from me.These days, instead of getting angry with those who kept going out on the streets, instead of looking for guilty people to hate, I felt compassion for the humanity of all of them and was able to remain calm. And from there I was able to offer help and be fully connected with my feelings and focused on what I wanted to be. I have felt much more powerful and curiously, accepting that I had no control over the situation, I have felt calmer than ever because I have kept control of my emotions and thoughts, the only thing that has really always been at my disposal.Normally this situation would have destabilized me much more and I would have spent the day angry with the world. I have spent a few weeks feeling deep love for my brother and my loved ones. I have been able to appreciate the enormous love and support that has come to me. It is frankly difficult to receive those positive emotions when you are anchored in your own negative emotions, if they are of very strong intensity.If this is your first time listening to it, you are probably resisting the concept. I understand you perfectly because I have been there. I clung to anger as a tool of power. And now I finally understand that love is a much stronger weapon.Developing my ability to love on purpose has been a great gift that I have given myself. Remember that it is one more skill and that therefore, you can practice it and improve on it.Hopefully you allow yourself to at least explore the concept. It's easier to start with your loved ones, of course. See how many conditions you have placed on your love for them. And allow yourself to feel the full love that invades you when you tear down the conditions to love them just for existing, as they are. If You Want Love Quotes For Your Loved Ones You Can Surely Visit Our Website Love Quotes For Him Here You Can Find More Then 100+ Quotes Related To Love .


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